Before beginning:
- Ensure door is open before continuing. If unable to open door using the onscreen button, see here.
- Check the status lights in the power module: Click here for steps to verify.
Jump to Section in Article:
- Error: Door Control Board Not Detected
- Error: Power Distribution Board Not Detected
- Error: BUC (Base Unit Control) Board Not Detected
- Door Opening Procedure
Error: Door Control Board Not Detected
1. Check HMI USB at Door Control Board
- Unscrew the Phillips head screw and remove the gray plastic Restock Board cover.
- Ensure USB is properly connected to the Door Control Board.
- Inspect cable for any damage to connector or wires.
- Disconnect, and reseat USB cable at Door ControI Board.
- Ensure the connector is fully seated and clicks into place.
2. Check USB cable at SBC
- Remove Restock Instruction from the inside of the door.
- Remove the black plastic cover from the SBC.
- Ensure USB is properly connected to SBC (green board under the black cover).
- Disconnect, and reseat USB cable at SBC.
- Ensure the connector is fully seated and clicks into place.
- Repeat Diagnostic Test.
- If Door Control Board is still not detected, contact Bevi Support at 866-704-2384.
Error: Power Distribution Board Not Detected
1. Remove plastic top cover from the Bevi
- Open door.
- Remove the 3 screws from the base of the cover.
- Lift the cover off and place to the side.
2. Check USB connection at power module
- Ensure USB is properly connected to Power Module.
- Inspect cable for any damage to connector or wires.
- NOTE: There is one white ground wire that is not pinned into the connector, this is normal
- Disconnect, and reseat USB cable at Power Module.
- Ensure the connector is fully seated and clicks into place.
3. Check USB connection at door board
- Ensure USB is properly connected to Door Control Board.
- Inspect cable for any damage to connector or wires.
- Disconnect, and reseat USB cable at Door Control Board.
- Repeat Diagnostic Test
- If Power Distribution Board is still not detected, contact Bevi Support at 866-704-2384
Error: BUC (Base Unit Control) Board Not Detected1. Check USB connection at power module
2. Check USB connection at door board
- Ensure USB is properly connected to Door Control Board
- Inspect cable for any damage to connector or wires
- Disconnect, and reseat USB cable at Door Control Board
- Repeat Diagnostic Test
- If Power Distribution Board is still not detected, contact Bevi Support at 866-704-2384
Door Opening Procedure
Normal way:
The front door should already be open during install. However, if it was closed, press the Door Open button at the top right corner of the screen to re-open. (If this faiIs, see below.)
If the button is not working…
- Remove phillips-head screw from right side handle
- Locate latch inside, and press down to manually release doօr.