For Bevi units that have been installed and operating normally for a while, we are experiencing a small number of Bevi units unexpectedly showing the "Mystery Flavor" icon on the touchscreen dispense app.
Please note this bulletin does not cover the "Mystery Flavor" icons as shown during the initial installation of a new machine. For those cases, please refer to the new machine install instructions.
As a temporary fix prior to a software upgrade being available, you have two options:
Option 1 - Contact Tech Support. Tech Support will work with the Software team for a fix in the back end.
Option 2 - If an immediate fix isn't possible, access the Service Panel of the dispense app. Press Restock and select the correct flavor to replace the "Mystery Flavor" icon. Please note that the weight % of the flavor would be off. You must also contact Tech Support with the following information to fix the correct weight %:
- The machine ID and customer name as registered on the Well.
- Describe your intended service actions (i.e. replace flavor 2 with new flavor, replace CO2 with new CO2 tank...etc.). That way, the team can manually edit the correct weight % on the backend.