🪄 What's in a Usage Report? Visit this article for our overview. See what the updated reports look like, what kind of statistics and data are included, and how to understand each section.
Usage Reports can be sent by email to you or your customers automatically. These emails need to be set up as needed in The Well (located at well.bevi.co). Here's how:
- Login to the Well, and click Installed in the top header.
- Click “Manage Emails” in the right-side panel, under the label Subscribe to Emails (see image above).
- Click “Add Email” on the top left.
- Select the email type: Usage Report
- Sends an email with details on flavor popularity, usage and bottles saved.
- Customize the report type: Summary and Individual OR Summary-Only
- Select the email type: Usage Report
- Fill in recipients Email Address, and Click “Add”.
- Repeat this step to add multiple emails.
- Fill in Subject, and email message will auto-populate based on email type (customize as needed).
- Filter by company, group, machine type, or unit name to receive usage report for a particular customer or a subset of units.
- Select Usage report cadence (Monthly, Quarterly, and/or Annually).
- Click “Schedule Email”
- Optional: Click “Send Test Email” to receive the latest Usage report within 5-10 minutes.