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Bevi Partner Resource Center
Standup 1.5
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Articles in this section
Changing the dispense screen language to French (Standup 1.x)
Touchless Dispensing One Pager - Stand up Version 1.5
I am experiencing a leak. How do I shut off the water and power to my Bevi unit?
What fail safe features does the v1.5 Standup unit have to prevent leaks?
How many drinks can a CO2 tank produce?
How much power does the Bevi unit consume on average?
What is the chilled water capacity of the v1.5 Standup unit?
At what temperature does the Bevi unit dispense water?
How much does a v1.5 Standup weigh?
What size CO2 tank can fit in a v1.5 Bevi?
See more
Where is the machine ID located on my Bevi?
July 16, 2019 00:14