How To Remove and Replace a Touchscreen on the Countertop
This document is intended to provide step-by-step instructions for field technicians when replacing a touchscreen or tablet assembly in The Countertop.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When do I know when a tablet assembly replacement is necessary?
A: Screen sensitivity issues such as dropped dispenses and unresponsive screens indicate that the tablet should be replaced. Additionally, appearances of a screen bubble or a stretched screen should result in a tablet replacement. Screen resolution, burn in, or cracked screens are also a possible situation where a screen may need to be replaced.
Questions Answered in this Document
Q: How do I remove The Countertop touchscreen (540-0012 or 540-0042), and replace it with the latest version (540-0042)?
Required Tools & Materials
- Phillips Screwdriver
- Utility Knife
- Small Flat Head Screwdriver
- The Countertop Touchscreen Part 540-0042
- A 12” box
Task 1: Determine which tablet assembly is in your Countertop machine (540-0012 or 540-0042).
- Insert steps on where they find out when their machine was manufactured (is it on the machine?)
Task 2: Removal of Tablet Assembly 540-0012
Countertop machines manufactured before September 2022 will include the 540-0012 Tablet Assembly.
- Begin with powering down The countertop head unit by unplugging the machine power cord.
- Remove and retain (8) #6-32 x ⅜” screws from the back panel.
- Disconnect the USB cable from the control board, P/N 720-0224 (formerly 400-0010). (Yellow box below)
- Disconnect the Touchscreen Power cable from the control board (Red box below)
- Remove (2) #4-40 x ¼” screws securing the base of the tablet, accessible from the front of the head unit.
Use caution: The touchscreen will be completely free from the chassis.
- Gently lift the touchscreen and top cover assembly off of the chassis.
- Disconnect the ethernet cable from the touchscreen.
- Place the assembly face down on a non-abrasive surface.
- Separate the touchscreen from the plastic cover by removing and discarding (2) #6-32 x 3/16” screws and (2) #6 oversize washers. Retain the plastic top cover for reassembly. (Screws cannot be reused when swapping to the 540-0042).
Task 3: Removal of Tablet Assembly 540-0042
Countertops manufactured after September 2022 will include the 540-0042 Tablet Assembly
- Begin with powering down The countertop head unit by unplugging the machine power cord.
- If the ethernet cable is connected to a wall port or OptConnect, please disconnect before continuing.
Note: The ethernet cable on the 540-0042 CANNOT be removed from the touchscreen and reused. The 110114-01 contains a replacement ethernet cable.
- Remove and retain (8) #6-32x 3/8 screws from the back panel.
- When removing the back panel, disconnect the cable running from the switch to the control board power. (As Pictured)
5. Disconnect the USB cable and touchscreen power from the control board.
6. Remove and retain (2) #4-40 x ¼” screws securing the base of the touchscreen (accessible from the front).
- Place a 12” box in the dispense area of the head unit, to support the touchscreen and top cover assembly when it is removed from the chassis
8. Unthread the power cable from the ferrite ring. (Red arrow below)
9. Remove the power cable from the first white retaining clip (Green arrow below)
10. Cut the gaffer tape holding the ferrite bead and touchscreen power cable in place. You may also cut the additional piece of gaffer tape securing the cable at the time. (Blue arrows below)
11. Open the snap fit ferrite bead. Remove the power cable from the ferrite bead, retain the bead.
12. Open second white retaining clip, and remove touchscreen power cable (Yellow arrow in Step 10 picture)
13. To separate the plastic top cover from the touchscreen, remove (2) #8 x ¼” screws and (2) #8 oversize 18-8 washers from the touchscreen/plastic top cover assembly.
Task 4: Installing The New Tablet Assembly 540-0042
1. Cut the wire tie holding the Hardware Kit, or obtain your retained #8 x ¼” screws and #8 oversize, 18-8 washers.
2. Fasten the plastic top cover to the display using the furnished screws and washers.
Note: Technicians must use the furnished hardware from the Hardware Kit if swapping from 540-0012 to 540-0042. Furnished #8 x ¼” screws are thread cutting.
3. Place the 12” box the replacement touchscreen was shipped in, (or another non-abrasive 12” platform) in the dispense area.
4. Place the touchscreen and plastic top cover assembly face down on the 12” box.
5. Route the touchscreen power cable to the left side of the dispenser (if you are viewing from the front - See red arrow above)
NOTE: If you are swapping from 540-0012 (legacy style touchscreen) to 540-0042 (current style touchscreen), skip to step 12
6. Run the power cable through the first white retaining clip, and apply retained ferrite bead. (Blue arrow below)
7. Run the touchscreen power cable through the first white retaining clip (Blue arrow below) and ferrite bead (Yellow arrow below)
8. Run the touchscreen power cable through the second white retaining clip between the ferrite ring and ferrite bead (Green arrow below)
9. Wrap the power cable around the ferrite ring, as pictured (Red arrow below)
10. Plug the touchscreen power cable into the control board. (Red box below)
11. Route the USB cable and ethernet cable over the dispenser - do not connect the USB at this time. (See red box below)
12. Run the ethernet cable alongside the recirculation trunk line and through the base of the machine.
- Begin raising the touchscreen assembly onto the chassis.
- When the cover is almost fully in place, connect the USB cable
15. Fasten (2) 4-40 x ¼” screws to the base of the touchscreen. (see pic for step 2)
16. Reconnect the power cable from the switch to the control board - make sure the “catch” is facing down. (Red box below)
17. Fasten back cover to the chassis using (8) #6-32 X ⅜” screws.
18. Connect the ethernet cable into the wall jack or OptConnect (if applicable).
If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to our support team at or 1-866-704-2384