⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Any machine overdue on Preventative Maintenance is in violation of our terms, will void the machine's NSF certification, and may void or suspend any applicable warranties.
Following our guidelines for routine preventative maintenance is important to keep Bevi machines operational for customers, and to reduce premature failures. Additionally, preventative maintenance is required every 6 months to maintain compliance with NSF certification and Bevi's warranty.
In This Article:
- Task 1 : Prepare sanitization solution
- Task 2: Sanitize Flavor lines
- Task 3: Leak Inspection
- Task 4: Functionality test
- Task 5: Clean inside the Bevi
- Task 6: Clean the outside of the Bevi
- Task 7: Log any additional service completed.
⏱️ This process takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Required Tools & Parts
- Recommended: "Octafold" 8x Flavor Line Cleaning Manifold (OCTAFOLD SANITATION TOOL - P/N #720-0133)
- 1 packet Chlorine-Based Sanitizer - (from 5-PACK: P/N #720-0144)
- 5 gallon bucket
- Spray Bottle
- Microfiber Towels
- Cleaning Brush Set - (P/N #720-0187)
- Glass Cleaner
- Cleaning/Sanitary Gloves (Nitrile or similar)
- 1 Liter Container
OPTIONAL: Sanitation Kit - (P/N #720-0169)
- One sanitation kit can clean up to 10 Bevi machines. The kit includes the following: -1x collapsible bucket, -12x microfiber towels, -1x spray bottle, -10x chlorine based sanitizer packets, -1x compressed air duster, and -3x cleaning brushes.
- With this kit, you will still need the Octafold Sanitation Tool, and glass cleaner separately.
ℹ️ Note: If an Octafold flavor line sanitation tool (P/N #720-0133) is not on-hand, the 8 flavor lines can still be sanitized individually, one-at-a-time. However, we strongly recommend saving time by using the Octafold cleaning manifold/sanitation tool to allow all 8 lines to be sanitized at once.
Task 1: Prepare the Sanitization solution
- Before starting, put on sanitary gloves.
- In the 5 gallon bucket, prepare the chlorine-based sanitizer solution.
- Fill the bucket with 3 gallons of hot water.
- Dissolve one (1-oz.) packet of Chlorine Sanitizer in the hot water.
- Once dissolved, dip your spray bottle into the bucket to fill the bottle.
- This will be used to clean various areas of the Bevi.
- Leave the remaining sanitizer in the bucket until finished as you will use this to soak certain parts of the Bevi.
Task 2: Sanitize Flavor lines
- Enter the Service Panel by touching the service icon, tap the “Start Service” button and enter the PIN code 1986.
- From the Service Panel, tap “Alerts and Maintenance”, and then select “Troubleshooting Tools”.
- Unscrew all 8 flavor connectors from the flavor boxes.
- Leave the flavor boxes in their respective slots to avoid reinstalling them incorrectly.
- TIP: Hold a paper towel or rag under the flavor connectors while removing them from the boxes, as some flavor concentrate may drip.
- Disconnect each flavor connector from the flavor lines.
- Press down the gray latch release to disconnect from the line.
- NOTE: Do NOT attempt to disconnect the white barbed fitting from the clear tubing on the connector.
- Place all 8 flavor connectors into the bucket of sanitizer solution.
- Allow the flavor connectors to soak in the solution for a minimum of 1 minute.
- While flavor connectors soak, use a cleaning brush to thoroughly clean each connector.
- Connect the Octafold Sanitation Tool to each of the flavor lines.
- Ensure the connectors snap into the gray latch release connectors securely.
- Place the open ends of the Octafold tubing into the bucket with sanitizer solution.
- NOTE: If not using the Octafold sanitation tool/cleaning manifold, you will need to repeat steps 8 through 9 individually, one-at-a-time for each flavor line.
- From the Troubleshooting Tools screen, prime the lines with sanitizer solution:
- Locate “Flavors and Enhancements” under the Controls section.
- Hold a container under the nozzle, and touch “Start” to prime all flavor/enhancement lines.
- This will prime each flavor line for ten seconds.
- Repeat this process two more times for a total of 30 seconds.
- Allow sanitizer solution to sit in the flavor lines for a minimum of 2 minutes.
- While waiting for flavor lines to sit with sanitizer solution, remove the drip tray and nozzle shroud from the front of the door.
- Slide the drip tray out of the door.
- Bring to nearest sink and dump out any excess liquid.
- Disassemble the drip tray by removing the metal grate, and blue plastic bobber.
- Slide the drip tray out of the door.
- Unscrew the nozzle shroud from the top of the dispense area.
- Place all drip tray components and nozzle shroud into the bucket with sanitizer solution.
- Allow to soak in solution for a minimum of 1 minute.
- Remove the open end of the Octafold tubing from the bucket of sanitizer solution.
- Allow any excess fluid to drain into the bucket.
- Remove flavor connectors, drip tray components, and nozzle shroud from the bucket.
- Thoroughly rinse all components with hot water.
- Thoroughly scrub and clean all drip tray components.
- Thoroughly clean nozzle shroud.
- Empty out the bucket of sanitizer solution.
- Thoroughly rinse any remaining sanitizer solution out.
- Refill the bucket with clean, hot water.
- Place the Octafold tubes into the bucket with clean, hot water.
- While holding a container under the nozzle prime all flavor/enhancement lines 8 times to thoroughly flush with hot water.
- Disconnect the Octafold tool, and reconnect all 8 flavor connectors to the flavor lines.
- Ensure the connectors securely snap into place.
- Reconnect each connector to their associated flavor box.
- Prime the flavors.
- While holding a container under the nozzle, prime all flavor/enhancements one more time to evacuate any remaining clean water and prime with flavor concentrate.
Task 3: Leak Inspection
- Remove the center panel from the back of the Bevi.
- Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the 4 screws at the corners of the panel. (You do not need to fully remove the screws.)
- Lift the panel up and unhook from the mounting screws and set to the side.
- Inspect plumbing shelf for any signs of leakage.
- Visually inspect all tubing connections for signs of leakage, kinks, or damage.
- Ensure all tubing connections are fully seated in their fittings.
- Key areas to inspect include:
- Manifold 1
- Buffer tank
- Backflow preventer
- Demand Pump
- Manifold 2
- Heater
- Chiller connections
- From the Troubleshooting Tools screen, run a Leak Down Test:
- In the Controls section under “Water”, start the leak down test.
- If the test passes, reinstall the back panel.
- If the test fails, reinspect the plumbing shelf, base of the machine, and check for drips from the nozzle.
- If you need assistance in troubleshooting a potential leak, please contact Bevi Customer Care at 866-704-2384.
- In the Controls section under “Water”, start the leak down test.
Task 4: Functionality Test
- From the Troubleshooting Tools screen, touch “Back to Alerts” at the top right of the screen.
- If there are any alerts present, you should first resolve the issue first.
- Use the “Troubleshoot” button and scan the QR code to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
- If no alerts are present, touch “Home” at the top right of the screen.
- Touch “Finish Service” to exit out to the main dispense menu.
- If there are any alerts present, you should first resolve the issue first.
- Complete a full functionality test of all drink options.
- Test Cold, Sparkling, Ambient, and Hot water.
- NOTE: Ambient and Hot water options may be temporarily unavailable if the Heater is not up to the appropriate temperature, they should be available again within a few minutes.
- Ensure each drink selection has an adequate flow rate.
- If Cold water is dispensing with a low flow, check filter inventory, as this could indicate that it needs to be replaced.
- Test Sparkling water for adequate carbonation.
- Test all flavors to ensure they are dispensing properly.
- Test Cold, Sparkling, Ambient, and Hot water.
Task 5: Clean Inside the Bevi
- Using a spray bottle filled with sanitizer solution and a microfiber towel, thoroughly clean the inside of the Bevi.
- Clean any flavor that has dripped or leaked on the flavor shelves.
- Clean any components in the base of the machine as needed.
- 3M Filter Head
- CO2 Tank & High pressure Hose
- Base of the machine.
- Spray the inside and base of the door and wipe down thoroughly.
Task 6: Clean the Outside of the Bevi
- Spray down the dispense area with sanitizer and wipe clean with a microfiber towel.
- Once the dispense area is clean, reinstall the drip tray and nozzle shroud.
- Thoroughly wipe down the front of the door and sides of the Bevi.
- Using glass cleaner and a clean microfiber towel, wipe down the touchscreen to remove any residue and fingerprints.
- Once cleaned, reinstall the drip tray and nozzle shroud.
Task 7: Log any additional service completed.
- If flavors and enhancements, CO2 tank, or filter need to be replaced during service, ensure they are logged appropriately.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Bevi Technical Support at support@bevi.co, or call our support line at 866-704-2384 (866-704-BEVI)