This article provides best practices for entering the Unit Name and Company when registering Bevi machines during installation, and for editing unit information later using the Well. Use these suggested naming conventions below to quickly identify and manage your customers’ machines.
In this article (click to jump)
Adding Unit Name and Company During Installation
One of the first steps during installation is to register each machine. The information input during this step is automatically applied to the unit registration on the Well Unit page.
Unit Name
When registering the unit during installation, include both the company name and a brief description of the machine’s location at the customer site. This ensures the unit is easily identifiable on the Well.
- ✅ EXAMPLE Inc. - 3rd Floor Breakroom
- ❌ Office Bevi, Bevi Machine, Kitchen
The company field should be completed with the name of the end customer where the Bevi is installed, NOT the name of the service partner or installer.
This allows multiple machines at the same company to be grouped together for metrics and reporting, such as usage reports, company-wide bottles saved, and ensuring visibility on the Well for users with access to specific accounts.
- When entering the company name, check if it appears in the dropdown menu as an existing account. If it does, simply select the company from the list.
- If the company is not listed, it can be entered manually.
- ✅ Google, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Allstate, etc.
- ❌ Canteen, Aramark, Quench, etc.
Editing Unit Name and Company on the Well
If the Company and Unit Name, or any of the other registration info were not properly filled out on the machine during installation, it can be edited after the fact via the Unit Page on the Well.
- Search the serial number on the Well to locate the specific machine.
- Click on the machine to go to the unit page.
- Click the "Edit" button to edit the unit information.
- Update the Unit Name, Company, and address if needed.