Troubleshooting Nozzle Drips on the Standup 2.0
This document provides instructions on how to diagnose and fix water dripping issues in The Standup 2.0 machine. It includes determining whether the issue is caused by the hot or cold water side.
FAQs Answered in this Document
Q: How do I determine if the dripping issue is caused by the hot or cold water side?
Q: How can I fix a water dripping issue if it is caused by the cold water side?
Q: How can I fix a water dripping issue if it is caused by the hot water side?
Q: How do I return the unit to a usable state if I don’t have spare parts?
Task 2: COLD Water Side Issue
If you’ve determined the water drips are from the cold water side, Manifold 3 will need to be replaced.
PN: 720-0064
- Follow the instructions provided: [Guide] Bevi Standup 2.0 - Removal and Replacement - Manifold 3
Task 3: HOT Water Side Issue
Determine if the issue is caused by (a) a kinked hot water tube, (b) a broken heater suckback, or (c) Manifold 2.
- Hot Water Tube:
- If water is found in the hot water tube that connects to the nozzle, check for twists/kinks in the tube as the door closes.
- If the tube is visibly kinked, this can defeat the heater's suck-back mechanism, causing water to drip when the heater heats. Replace the hot water tube.
- Heater Suckback:
- If the tube is not visibly kinked/blocked, test the suck-back mechanism by dispensing a large amount of hot water (~10-15 seconds). At the end of the dispense, check to see that the water "sucks back" and is completely removed from the hot water line connected to the nozzle.
- If this tube remains full / mostly full after a long dispense, you must Replace the Heater.
PN: 720-0057
- Follow the instructions provided:
[Guide] Bevi Standup 2.0 Removal and Replacement - Water Heater
- Manifold 2:
- To confirm if water is leaking through the solenoid, disconnect the large silicone tube from the barbed output on Manifold 2 (pliers are needed to open the spring clamp).
- Dispense a large amount of Sparkling water (~10-15 seconds). The demand pump will continue to run following the dispense to refill the carbonation tank. This adds pressure to the inside of Manifold 2 to better highlight if there is a leak out of the barb.
- If water is dripping out of the barb, you must Replace Manifold 2.
PN: 720-0061
- Follow the instructions provided: [Guide] Bevi Standup 2.0 Removal and Replacement - Manifold 2
NOTE: If a replacement Manifold 2 is not immediately available and the customer requires the Bevi to remain functional, follow these steps to bypass Manifold 2 and disable the hot water feature.
Task 4: Bypassing Manifold 2
- Shut off the source water supply and close the buffer tank. Dispense COLD water until no water comes out of the nozzle.
- Turn off the machine.
- Remove the two black 3/8" tubes from Manifold 2.
- Connect the tube exiting the demand pump with the tube entering the chiller using a ⅜” push-to-connect elbow fitting & ⅜” elbow-to-stem fitting.
- Disconnect the two connections to the heater: power (large 2-pin pink connector) and sensor (smaller 4-pin black connector).
- Turn on the machine, open the buffer tank, and turn on the source water supply. Inspect for leaks.
- Dispense cold water to remove air from the system and refill internal water lines.
- Verify that the hot water option is unavailable (it should read "Heating" in gray on the main dispense screen), see image below.
If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to our support team at or 1-866-704-2384
Please download the PDF below to learn how to fix nozzle drips on a Bevi Standup 2.0