Machine alerts indicate when a machine requires attention. These alerts can be viewed on the Well and within the machine’s onscreen service panel to help your team effectively manage your Bevi machines.
Set up automatic email alerts to notify your team of an issue, and access relevant troubleshooting material prior to arrival. This allows service teams to be prepared to resolve any service or retrofit needs.
Alerts are categorized into two types:
- 🔴 Severity (Sev) 1: Red alert– machine is out of order (OOO). Disables dispensing.
- 🟡 Severity (Sev) 2: Yellow alert– Retrofits, Preventative Maintenance, and temporary alerts. Machine still allows dispensing for most Sev 2 (yellow) alerts.
In this Article (click to jump to section):
- Overview
- Index of All Alerts & Troubleshooting Links
- What Happens When an Alert is Triggered?
- Reviewing Active Machine Alerts
- Resolving a Machine Alert in the Service Panel
- Unresolved Machine Alerts
- Viewing Machine Alerts on the Well
- Email Notifications for Machine Alerts
Index of Alerts & Troubleshooting Links:
Machine Alert | Type | Trouble- shooting |
Triggered by |
Water in Base | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | Sensor detects more than 1 gallon of water in the basin. |
BUC Board Comms Lost | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | Communication lost to a board for >5 minutes and the board cannot re-establish comms. |
Power Module Comms Lost | Sev 1 | Same as above | Same as above. |
Door Board Comms Lost | Sev 1 | Same as above | Same as above. |
USB Cable Disconnected | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | USB cable not fully seated. |
Frozen Chiller | Sev 1 | If the chiller temperature sensor detects -0.3° C temp for more than 30 minutes. | |
Chiller Not Cooling | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | If the chiller stays over 8° C temp for more than 8 hours. |
Ice Bank Low | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | If the Sev 2 Ice Bank Low alert is not able to recover for 24 hours and low water level detected in the ice bank. |
Sanitation Required | Sev 1 | No flavor dispensed in the last 6 weeks OR less than 1 gallon dispensed. | |
Inlet Water Unavailable | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | Source water is shut off or experiencing prolonged low water pressure > 24 hours. |
Filter Out - Escalated | Sev 1 | Troubleshoot | Escalated if Filter Out (sev 2) not resolved. Filter detected at end of life (varies by usage/site conditions per machine), swap required. |
Preventative Maintenance | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Automatically triggers 6 months after the last PM was performed. |
Machine Offline | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Unit disconnected from the internet for > 2 weeks. Resolves automatically once connected. |
Warm Chiller | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Anytime a chiller is above 5 deg C for more than 5 min. |
Filter Flush Valve Retrofit (SU 2.0 only) |
Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring FFV retrofit (Standup 2.0 only). |
Waterblock Fitting Retrofit (non SU 2.0) |
Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring waterblock retrofit. |
Inlet Water Temporarily Unavailable | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Source water is temporarily shut off or experiencing low water pressure. |
Carbonator Pump Head Retrofit (non SU 2.0) |
Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Certain fitting may be torqued above specification. This will lead to premature failure and leaks. |
Nozzle Retrofit (SU 0.75 only) | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring nozzle retrofit. |
Backflow Preventer Retrofit | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring backflow preventer retrofit. |
Bluetooth Retrofit/USB Upgrade (non SU 2.0) | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring Bluetooth to USB retrofit. |
Chiller Temperature Setting (non SU 2.0) |
Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Machine requiring Chiller Thermostat update. |
Ice Bank Potentially Low | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Low water level in ice bank, (will auto-resolve if it returns to normal over 24 hours, if NOT will escalate to Sev 1 alert ‘Ice Bank Low’). |
Significant Low Pressure | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Low pressure detected in the buffer tank over 24 hours. |
Water Pressure Sensor Disconnected | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Internal Water Pressure sensor is reading at or below -18 PSI. |
CO2 Early Run Out/Leak | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | CO2 pressure reads below 600 psi before reaching 20% remaining in CO2 inventory (depleted faster than anticipated). |
Filter Out | Sev 2 | Troubleshoot | Filter detected at end of life (varies by usage/site conditions per machine), swap required. Escalates to (Sev 1) if not resolved promptly. |
What happens when an alert is triggered:
- The alert will appear in the machine’s Service Panel.
- The alert will appear on the Well.
- An email will be sent with relevant troubleshooting guide (must be signed up for machine alert notifications)
- Alert: Description of the machine issue
- Machine State: Out of Order will display on all Sev 1 red alerts, and certain Sev 2 alerts (e.g. Inlet Water Temporarily Unavailable)
- Reported: Date and timestamp which alert was triggered
- Resolved: Date and timestamp which alert was resolved
Status*: Indicates when service has been started for a particular machine alert, and if the alert was resolved or remains unresolved, more details below.
- Click the pencil icon (next to Status on the Well) to mark an alert as resolved
- Click ‘Troubleshoot’ (next to Status in the Service Panel), tap ‘Mark Resolved’
- Troubleshooting Guide: Access technical and troubleshooting documentation for that particular machine alert
- View/Hide Resolved: Review all resolved machine alerts for full history of service
* What does the machine alert status indicate?
- Not Started: The machine has detected the alert, but no service has been initiated to fix the issue.
- Open: Someone has tried to fix the issue, but it is still unresolved.
- Resolved: A technician has serviced the machine and the machine was working fine as of the date reported “Resolved”
- Auto-Resolved: The machine has detected that the issue has been resolved and the machine is performing at optimal levels.
Reviewing Active Machine Alerts
On the Well:
Click the unit to open the Unit Details page, see image below.
Service Panel:
Click Machine Alerts, and 'Troubleshoot' to access the relevant troubleshooting guide.
Resolving a Machine Alert in the Service Panel
A unit with a Severity 1 machine alert will display an Out of Order (OOO) screen, see images above, indicating the machine has detected a Sev 1 alert and needs service. Tap ‘View Alerts’, to enter the service panel.
A unit with a Severity 2 machine alert will allow dispense and not indicate an active machine alert, until you enter the service panel. (Excluding Inlet Water Temporarily Unavailable and Ice Bank Potentially Low.)
Follow the steps below to review the current machine alert(s) and locate relevant troubleshooting guides.
Step 1: Enter the Service Panel (Pin: 1986). Click the Machine Alerts button in the service panel to open the Machine Alerts screen. The number will indicate the total count of machine alerts.
Step 2: Identify the alert that needs to be addressed. In the example below, we're resolving a water in base alert.
Step 3: Click Troubleshoot to the right of your issue to reveal more information.
Step 4: Scan the QR code with your smartphone to access the troubleshooting article.
Step 5: Once troubleshooting steps are complete and the issue is fixed, click Mark Resolved.
Step 6: You will be prompted to confirm how the issue was resolved. Select the appropriate resolution and click Save.
Step 7: The alert has been resolved, and will move to the list of resolved alerts. Click the drop drop drawer to see the full list of all alerts that were resolved.
Unresolved Machine Alerts
If you attempt to exit the Machine Alerts screen without resolving the outstanding issues, you will see a pop-up, see below. Click Yes, Exit to leave this screen or No, Back to return to the list of issues.
Viewing Machine Alerts on the Well
In the Summary View on The Well, you can filter to units with active Machine Alerts.
- Click on the number within the red box to display all units with a current Sev 1 alert.
- Click on the number within the yellow box to display all units with a current Sev 2 alert.
- A unit could have an active Sev 1 and Sev 2 alert simultaneously, and will display the same unit when selecting either box.
- You can also utilize the filters to drill down to certain Sev 1 or Sev 2 alerts.
A unit with an active machine alert will show on the Well (and restock report) with a triangular symbol, indicating the total count of machine alerts.
The color of the triangle signifies the severity level: Red indicates a Sev 1 alert, (Machine is out of order). Sev 1 alerts should be prioritized since it prevents dispensing and has the greatest impact on customer experience. Yellow triangle represents a Sev 2 alert. |
This machine has (1) active Sev 1 alert:
This machine has (2) active Sev 2 alerts:
This machine has NO active machine alerts:
Email Notifications - Machine Alerts
Customizable email notifications can be scheduled to help your service & ops team efficiently manage machine alerts. Reduce complaints and customer downtime by accessing emails in real time whenever a machine is out of order and access relevant troubleshooting material prior to arrival.
- Receive an email for all active machine alerts (Sev 1 & Sev 2), including relevant troubleshooting guides.
Get an email in real time, or schedule cadence based on preference (Summary email), see image below: machine alert email notification
- Click the Unit Name to view the Well page
- Click Troubleshoot to view the troubleshooting documentation for that alert
Summary email notifications for Machine Alerts
Summary email notifications for Machine Alerts help reduce the number of emails related to alerts. Users can customize the cadence of receiving an email summary of all active Severity 1 and 2 alerts.
- The difference between ‘Immediate’ and ‘Summary’ Machine Alert email is the frequency at which you receive an email.
- Immediate sends an email in real time for each alert.
- Summary is sent at 8AM EST based on preferred cadence and email is broken down into tables of Sev 1 and Sev 2 alerts.
- Limited to 5 results, grouped by unit.
- Click “View All” on each of the tables to see all units on the Well with those alerts.
Setting up email notifications
- Login to the Well and click “Manage Emails” (see image above)
- Click “Add Email” on the top left.
- Select the email type Machine Alerts and confirm cadence:
- Immediate: Get notified instantaneously anytime a Sev 1 or Sev 2 issue occurs on one of your machines.
- Summary: Get a summary of all outstanding machine alerts (Sev 1 & Sev 2) on a regular cadence, (e.g. everyday at 8am or once per week)
- Select the email type Machine Alerts and confirm cadence:
- Fill in recipients Email Address, and Click “Add”, (Repeat this step to add multiple emails).
- Optional: Filter by company, group, machine type, or unit name to receive email notifications on a particular subset of units
- Click “Schedule Email”
If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@bevi.co or 1-866-704-2384